
One-Week 1:1 Intensive for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Create a signature offer that feels like a “hell yes” investment for your soulmate client.

Are you a spiritual entrepreneur struggling to attract clients to your purpose-led business?

Do you feel like you’ve tried every trick in the manifestation book but still haven't had any luck?

Are you confused and overwhelmed, searching for another trick or strategy to attract more clients?

If yes, my one-week 1:1 intensive, Magnet, is the perfect solution for you!

Magnet is for spiritual female entrepreneurs who:

Share inspirational content, hoping that “this post will be the one that will unlock the floodgates of clients into my DMs”.

Feel disappointed with the Universe after trying every manifestation trick in the book, but still not receiving their soulmate clients or income they desire.

Set high monthly income goals but feel confused about the practical, daily action they need to take to achieve them beyond morning journaling and manifestation rituals.

Keep hearing “it’s out of my budget” or “not the right timing” objections whenever they invite someone to work with them.

With Magnet, you’ll be able to:

Create your signature offer that attracts soulmate clients like bees to a honeypot, so you feel lit up sharing it with your audience, and confidently invite your people to work with you.

Release inner blocks stopping you from showing up as an embodied leader, confidently guiding your people through the sales process and the transformation inside your container.

Set out supportive and intentional strategies so you feel clear about the aligned action you need to take to create lasting and replicable results in your business.

Become crystal clear in your messaging and content strategy, and articulating WHY working with you is the best choice for your soulmate clients.

Hi, I’m Natalia!

I support spiritual femtrepreneurs who feel called to share their gifts, wisdom and skills online through their purpose-led business but feel overwhelmed and confused, having no idea where to start and how to launch their 1:1 offer.

Together, we bridge this gap by crafting a heat-centred offer, magnetic messaging, and supportive, intentional sales strategy to help you feel clear and confident about the actions you need to take daily to attract your first high-ticket client and create replicable results in your business.

My past client said:

I decided to join Natalia's program because every word in the description resonated with me. I was at a point where I knew my gifts and felt the call to offer them to the world, but I needed help finding clarity and confidence to start my business.

After three months of the program, I feel proud of sharing my authentic self online, something I had avoided for ten years.

The second reel I ever created, sharing my birthing experience, reached 11K people in just two days. I was also invited as a guest on a podcast with an audience of 2.5K listeners.

I feel confident in showcasing transparently and authentically while finding my unique positioning within the industry.

I have gained a lot of clarity around how I want to run my practice and serve my ideal clients.

After spending the past three years on maternity leave, I was even invited to apply for a job with a fantastic clinic whose values align 100% with mine.

- Anita Horvath, perinatal mental health specialist -

Inside Magnet, you’ll receive:

A 90-minute assessment call focused on spicing up your offer and messaging so you’re clear about who and how you serve and how to confidently move them into taking action with you.

A 60-minute alignment session to release doubts, imposter syndrome, or fears around your ability to guide your clients through the transformation you offer.

Daily Telegram support between sessions (3-6 pm CET).

Investment: One week of support for £379.



One-Week 1:1 Intensive for Spiritual Female Entrepreneurs